Wednesday, November 17, 2010

New Ways to Improve Your Memory Training

Everybody has memory problems, especially when we get older. Birthdays and appointments sometimes slip our minds. Sometimes you might find yourself in mid-sentence and suddenly forget what you were going to say. These random acts of forgetfulness are normal and usually just mean that you are tired or stressed. The good news is that some recent research has uncovered some simple strategies that you can use to boost your memory.
  • Use Epsom salts in your bath. Epsom salts are loaded with magnesium. Magnesium contains a compound that strenghthens synapses and nerve connections in the brain. By raising the level of magnesium in your bloodstream, you can combat memory loss and enhance your ability to learn. If you can take a bath with epsom salts, the magnesium will get soaked up through your pores, allowing magnesium to enter your system faster than if you took a magnesium supplement.
  • Take vitamin B3. According to medical experts at Detroit's Henry Ford Hospital, vitamin B3 (also known as niacin) can restore brain function to folks who have had strokes, as well as promote the growth of new blood vessels in the brain. They recommend that you take 14 mg. of magnesium supplements each day or eat beets, brewer's yeast, salmon, tuna or peanuts--all of which are loaded with magnesium.
  • Watch a sad movie. In a recent study, researchers found that by making yourself temporarily sad you can become more focused and attentive and can recall past events more clearly. Apparently making yourself sad by, for example, watching a sad movie, gives your brain a memory jolt.
  • Chew gum. Recent research by the Japanese suggests that the act of chewing increases heart rate and therefore sends more memory-boosting oxygen to the brain. But, if you do chew gum, make sure that you chew sugarless gum for the sake of your teeth.
  • Eat avocados. Avocados contain oleic acid which, during the digestion process, can trigger memory-enhancing signals in the brain, resulting in better long-term memory.

Improve Memory, Concentration and Focus Memory Training

Simply put, memory is the mental activity of recalling information that you have learned or experienced. Focus and concentration are the ability to tune in your full attention on a given situation, subject or object. It is important to note that memory and concentration and focus all work hand in hand. To improve memory requires that you first improve concentration and focus. It is imperative that you are first able to focus and concentrate your attention so that you can properly store information in your brain. Only after the information is properly stored can it be retrieved from memory.
Has this ever happened to you? Just moments ago, you were introduced to a few new people. You shook their hands and started a conversation. Now you are standing there, half paying attention to the conversation, trying to remember their names. Or maybe you've lost your keys for the fifth time this week. Or maybe you struggle with your focus and concentration in meetings, have a hard time understanding directions, or have difficulty with focus and concentration when standing over your golf shot.
These situations can happen to anyone at any age. However, if these lapses in memory and concentration seem to happen to you more frequently than you'd like, then you need some help.
Does stress help to improve memory and concentration?
The simple answer to that question is yes. Stress actually improves memory and concentration at first, but chronic, long-term stress makes memory and concentration worse.
When you are under stress for a short period of time, you actually improve memory and concentration. Think about a zebra casually eating grass in a field. Then suddenly a lion appears and comes running through the grass, the zebra reacts quickly to get away. The zebra's neurological system surges with chemicals. Some of these chemicals go immediately to the brain and increase the zebra's ability to focus, concentrate and escape the lion.
Unfortunately humans are under constant stress. Our days are full of lions running at us through the field. Our lions come in the form of financial worries, problems at work or with family, or just driving through morning traffic. This constant stress we are under actually damages the part of the brain that is responsible for both short and long-term memory and concentration.
One surefire way to alleviate this problem is by making time in your busy schedule to relax and meditate. Your brain needs some time off from worrying.
The best methods that I know of to improve memory and concentration are the practices of yoga and meditation. The techniques used in yoga and meditation not only improve muscle tone and flexibility but they also have been proven to stimulate the brain and nervous system in ways that can improve memory and concentration.
Some of the best yoga practices for improving memory and concentration and focus are the asana, pranayama, dharana and meditation techniques and positive affirmations.
1) Asana - Yoga Postures: includes using a gazing point (drishti) while performing balancing postures, spine lengthening exercises and inverted postures (like the headstand). Using the drishti improves focus and concentration while the exercises stimulate the nervous system. In Asana practice we focus on our physical body and the breath thereby improving concentration and focus.
2) Pranayama focuses on breathing techniques and mastering the life-force. These not only help with focus and concentration but also help more oxygen reach the brain. In pranayama, the mind is focused on the breath as it flows in and out of the body. Oxygen and pranic (energy) are also increased in the body and brain by the regulation of breath. Thus, pranayama increases focus and concentration as well as nourishes the brain. Pranayama is greatly beneficial in improving memory power. In Pranayama, the psyche of the individual is concentrated on the breath as it courses in and out of the body. Hence, Pranayama modifies concentration and focus in a positive manner as well as nurtures the brain.
3) Dharana quite specifically is the process of holding the mind to one place, object or idea.Dharana techniques are specifically designed for the mind. It works on focusing concentration and attention rather than letting the mind wander. This kind of focused attention is a form of mind training as it becomes easier to concentrate and remember as you practice more.
Dharana or the practice of focus and concentration affects and reduces the occupied mind. The mind is kept firm at one place instead of letting it wander here and there. This reduces strain on the mind. The mental strength increases. With such habitual focus and concentration, the work is done effectively and efficiently. The daily practice of dharana reduces the wavering attitude of mind and a different kind of mental clarity can be observed throughout the day. Dharana acts upon and cuts down the stress of the preoccupied mind.
4) With Dhyana (meditation) we develop awareness. If you can make the time to take care of yourself by meditating for just 20 minutes a day, know that these efforts can help you to improve memory and concentration. A calm and well rested mind (as opposed to an agitated, overly worked mind) is much more agile and flexible.
Meditation takes dharana even further as it calls for intense mental focus and concentration. During meditation you empty the content of your consciousness completely. Dharana quite specifically is the process of holding the mind to one place, object or idea. Eliminating all extraneous thoughts, basically giving your mind some much needed rest.
Meditation is a maneuver beyond the art of Dharana, calling for even more psychological and intellectual diligence and concentration. The art of meditation either by itself or in alignment with yoga asana and Pranayama clears the mind of unreasonable and superfluous thoughts. Unrestrained thinking eats up mental energy and clouds the mind from interpreting and perceiving things clearly. In Yoga, meditation helps to energize the brain as well as get the mind to focus and concentrate.
5) Self Affirmations: The next key factor to improve memory and concentration is the power of positive thinking. Self-affirmation can stimulate your brain and give you the boost that you need to focus and concentrate better. It has been proven to work.
Saying positive phrases to yourself over and over again will unconsciously help you to convince yourself of its truth. There is no greater power than believing in your self to improve memory and concentration.
To Improved Memory, Concentration and Focus, Namaste
Tony D'Agostino, founder and CEO of Yoga Awakening

Foods That Improve Memory - Yes They Exist Meemory Training

Did you know that there are actually foods that improve memory? It's very hard to imagine this is the case, but it is true. Studies have shown that certain ingredients in food aide in brain function and the ability to retain information. The key in these foods tends to be the ability to aide the brain in absorbing more oxygen which in turn helps your brain function at full capacity.
By consuming foods high in vitamins C and B help keep the brain healthy and prevent diseases that cause memory loss. Fresh fruits and vegetables provide high oxygen and vitamin deposits which aide in the highest possible brain function possible. Being deficient in any category can cause fogginess which in turn can cloud memory retention abilities.
The key to consuming a diet with foods that improve memory can be summed up in one word, "Balance."
Eating at least one fresh fruit a day and either eating fish once or twice a week will help tremendously. Fish, which are high in omega 3 fatty acids are vital to keeping your brain healthy and functioning at full capacity. If you simply aren't a fan of fish, which is completely fine, you will find that supplementation in pill form is often available at your local food store.
One of the most mis-understood ingredients that can help is caffeine. With just the right amount, caffeine will greatly increase not only memory retention, but also concentration. What you see and have read about energy drinks has been highly tested and actually does check out as being a good way to increase memory and concentration, but if you overdo it, you will quickly see an adverse effect.
I often find that a small red bull does wonders for my concentration, but these drinks can't be recommended for everyone as they can be expensive and not everyone enjoys the taste!
Keeping a diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables, combined with proper protein equal to roughly your bodyweight in any 24 hour period is highly recommended. A great habit to get into is a fresh supply of carbohydrates in the morning. I often enjoy a small amount of oatmeal, which get my body burning carbohydrates and gets my brain functioning and "waking up."
Many of these tips could double for healthy eating habits, but they do work very well! In order to have a healthy mind, you must have a healthy body and this is a great way to get started.

Improve Memory With Puzzles -Memory Training

At one time, doctors and scientists agreed that we are given all the brain cells we will ever have at birth. Thankfully, scientific studies have shown that we can produce new brain cells all throughout our lives.
While it is true that some of the connections between our brain cells can get weaker or even shut down completely, it has been proven that weak connections can become stronger and new connections can be created. To help increase brain power, a set of brain puzzles is a very useful tool.
Brain puzzles help the memory by forcing you to use parts of the brain you do not use as frequently. You may have noticed that when you were at school, it was easy to remember the math facts and spelling words. Several years or decades after learning them though, a bit more thought has to go into remembering these things. In school, we had to keep these bits of information at the ready in our brain almost all of the time. But after graduation, we started to rely on dictionaries, thesauruses and calculators to do the hard work for us and slowly our brain began to atrophy.
The brain may not be a true muscle but it should be exercised like one. It is one thing for a person not to be physically strong. When you are mentally not strong, however, your quality of life is naturally much lower than it could, or should be. Once dementia sets in and begins to take hold of your life, there is not much you can do. Nevertheless, scientific study has proven that to begin with, brain puzzles are a good line of defense against dementia setting in.
While it is true that a good healthy diet, exercise and some supplements will help the brain to some degree, none have been proven as effective as brain puzzles. As people get older, they do get better at eating vegetables and most aging people get some exercise, like taking walks around the block or golfing with their friends. Yet the most effective thing you can do for yourself is to tackle a brain puzzle.

Ways For Improving Your Memory Training

When we recall information, we have experienced or learned we are performing a mental activity referred to as "memory." Five important areas of the brain are utilized when we form memory. They are the hippocampus, amygdale, cerebral cortex, and neurons. The hippocampus lies deep within the brain. It plays the largest role in storing information as memory.
The amygdale is located near the hippocampus. It takes emotion and marks the memory using the emotion. The outer layer of the brain is the cerebral cortex. Depending on whether the memory process utilizes language, senses, or problem solving, the cerebral cortex stores long term memory in the appropriate zone. Neurons are a communication network within the brain that promotes memory. They become active through brain chemicals called neurotransmitters.
Two Basic Categories of Memory
A simple example of "short term memory" is dialing a phone number that someone just told you. Your mind stores the number for a few seconds or minutes until you dial the phone. An example of "long term memory" is making a specific conscious or unconscious effort to retain information for a purpose, such a test or a certain procedure for a job.
Three Stages of Forming and Maintaining Memory
The three stages the brain experiences when a person forms memories are Acquisition, Consolidation, and Retrieval.
When a mother complains to her child that they "are not paying attention," the child is probably not focusing. In order for the Acquisition stage to take place, the child must concentrate intently on what his mother is telling him for at least eight seconds. The information enters the child's brain and be escorted along pathways by neurons to the appropriate spot of the brain.
Consolidation occurs after the child has concentrated enough to encode new information. Then, the hippocampus signals the information to be stored as long-term memory in the brain.
Retrieval occurs when the child needs to remember what his mother told him. His brain will then activate the same nerve cells it used to retain the information.
Exercise Your Brain
Just like anything else you try to improve on, the more you practice, the better you get. The same goes for the brain. The more you exercise it, the better processor you become. One easy way to do this is to change your routine in some way. If you always load the dishwasher with your right hand, use your left hand. Another way would be to take a class in something you know very little about. Alternatively, you could follow some new recipes for this week's dinner menu.
Tips to Improve Memory
Stop multitasking! Use the complete eight necessary seconds it takes to encode information into your brain.
If you learn better by listening, record information and listen to it until you remember it.
If you learn visually, look at the information and recite what you want to remember.
When dealing with complex subjects, work to understand the basic concepts rather than focus too much on the details. Be able to tell them to someone in your own words.
"Over learn" information over a period of time rather than trying to squeeze the learning into a short period.
Relate new information to previous knowledge and build on it.
Use words and pictures when taking notes, and write things down in datebooks and calendars.
Set up success in your brain. Tell yourself you want to learn the information and that you can learn the information.
Mnemonic Devices to Help Memory
If you have ever used a visual image, a sentence, or a word to help you remember something, you have used a mnemonic device. People use helpful mnemonic devices every day without even realizing it. For example, if you think of a rose to remember your new neighbor's name as "Rosie," you are using a "visual image." You might also use a sentence such as "Dad made Sally bring raisins," using the first letter of each word to represent the steps in long division; divide, multiply, subtract, bring down, repeat.
Another mnemonic device is the use of acronyms. The organization "MADD," for "Mothers against Drunk Driving,'' is an example of an acronym. Putting information together with rhyming is another method. Some people like to use joke to put information together because they find them easy to remember. Finally, "chunking" is found to be helpful. Grouping long lists of information into smaller, easier to remember categories has proven to be a reliable mnemonic device as well.

Memory Improvement Games - To Memory Training

As you grow up (or grow old) your ability to memorize also deteriorates. You would find it hard to remember names, phone numbers and other stuff. Although this is a normal thing, this can be prevented as well. If you really want to avoid this scenario, start taking measures to counter this solvable problem by doing memory improvement games. That is why if you want to know more about this subject matter, you came to the right place. This is also where you would learn where to find these games that improves your memory. Everything you need to know is here on this article. This would definitely save you from the trouble of looking for ways to find memory enhancing games that would definitely improve your ability to remember. You don't have to go anywhere else just to find it. All the necessary things that you need to know about this subject matter can be found on this article. Consider this as a favor from us to you. And by the time you finish reading this article, you would definitely have a concrete idea on where to find these memory improvement games that you surely need to enhance your memory capabilities. So if I were you, I wouldn't go anywhere else, I would grab a glass of soda and read this article.
If you are worried about your deteriorating capacity to remember things due to aging, your best option for this is to play some memory improvement games. This would definitely help the brain recall all the necessary information that you need quickly, much quicker than usual. Most of the information is there, inside your head, the problem is your capability to recall it. To improve these, play a few memory improvement games and watch it miraculously heal you of memory deficiency. In just a small span of time, you would see better results and this would also result to better performance both at work, or in school, and in the house. This would also mean that you would be a better person, a much more reliable person indeed.
Now, where do you find these memory enhancement games? Well, the easiest way to find some is to log on to the internet. there are millions of sites on the internet that offers various types of memory enhancing games and are specifically designed to fit whichever age group you are in. most of these games are free of charge and downloadable. You also have a lot of variety of options to choose from, you could even play a different game daily. These memory improving games would definitely give you tons of moments of fun as well as giving you the benefit of improving and enhancing your ability to remember things, unlike how you used to.
So if you are looking for ways to improve that dwindling memory capacity of yours, you know now what to do. Try memory improvement games today and see great results in an instant. Play these games to a better and improved you.

Memory Improvement Supplements - by Memory Training

These past few years, food supplements have been quite popular because of its capability to improve your overall health and performance, especially memory improvement. These memory improvement supplements are produced using the most naturally - occurring ingredients that has been used by people for various purposes for hundreds and thousands of years. If you want to know what are these memory improvement supplements that would help you boost your memory performance, you have definitely came to the right place. I have just the sufficient amount of information that would get you going. You don't have to go elsewhere, searching for it on wherever you would think of searching it, saving you the headache and the trouble that it might cause you just for searching it yourself. That is indeed true for there are many fraudulent sources on the internet that might give you disastrous results rather than the results that are practically intended for you by the genuine memory improvement supplements and products. So why risk it? We promise that by the time you have finished reading this article, you would have a vivid idea and you would also have various options to choose from to improve your memory. So all you have to do now is no other than: read this freaking article, for God's sake!
 let's get down to business. These are the various memory improvement supplements that you could take. Mind you, these are researched and proven supplements, none of these are ineffective so dig in.
  1. Gingko Balboa - this is perhaps the most potent supplement when it comes to memory enhancement. It totally helps you maintain normal blood circulation, especially on the brain, allowing seamless memory functions. This is due to the fact that blood is like a car or a taxi inside your veins; it transports stuff, especially oxygen to your brain so proper circulation would help you.
  2. Rosemary - no, I'm not talking about your aunt. I'm talking about the very same ingredient that you use for spice in your cooking. These can be widely found on the Mediterranean, much more occurring than grass. The best thing about rosemary (the herb, not your aunt.) is that it directly affects and improves your brain functions. What I mean about direct is that it doesn't do anything else like improving blood circulation and stuff, it directly improves your brain.
  3. Green Tea - this is one of the most common supplement and tea drink in the world right now. It has lots of benefits and one of them is, right, you guessed it, memory enhancement. It also cures many different ailments and diseases. Drink this together with black tea and you'll get total health and memory benefits, guaranteed.
There are things that you should consider before you take this memory improvement supplements like junkies. First, you should only trust certain brands because not all suppliers can be trusted; some are spiked with additives to make it appear plenty so better watch out for that.

Memory Is Conscious Currency -Memory Training

Memories are currency in more ways than one. What are we without memory? And what will happen to the important memories of our lives and the lives of those around us, if we don't write them down?
On a scrap of paper I recently came across on my cluttered desk, I'd written down a thought about memory I'd picked up somewhere, though I neglected to make note of where. I guess I thought I'd remember who said it-but can't, so I'll just say it, anyway. It went something like this, Memory was all I had, the only currency, the only proof that I was alive. I can see why I jotted it down-food for thought, certainly.
It got me thinking about some of the elements involved in memory creation. Feelings are imprinted to memory. Often, when a memory is recalled, the exact feelings we felt at the time the memory etched a pathway in our brains is felt front and center.
Our personal feelings about an incident or individual, then, are integral parts of each memory. Some memories fade and so do some feelings, others don't. Feelings change over time, too. So does that mean that the particular memory changes? Yes, I think it often does, especially when we give it thought in terms of whom we are today - removed from the person or happening.
Of course there are certain memories that we live over and over again in our minds that are as potent today as they were many years ago. I know, I can literally smell my mother's freshly baked "dream bars" and relive the joy I felt 25 years ago when I dove straight into the still-hot pan of goodies and now, through memory, into her kitchen. I can also smell my high school math teacher's ghastly breath and the revulsion I felt when he habitually leaned over my shoulder while I sat at my desk solving challenging written math problems one entire semester.
It's easy for me to see why the memory of Mom's baking has stayed sharp in my mind, and I relish it. Although it's strange how certain memories, as in my math teacher's stinky breath, have stayed with me, when, on first glance, that memory would seem rather unimportant. But was it? This memory was puzzling to me, so I decided to get to the bottom of it. Upon conscious reflection through writing, I discovered that my revulsion for him had more to do with his lecherous way of leaning his body into mine then did his breath, and that was why it had stayed fresh in my mind all these years. I'm glad I looked into that memory and found out why it followed me around for years-now I can let that ugly memory go.
From kitchens to classrooms, everything in-between, and beyond, memories are the currency we use to bring moments in time and people back to life for better or for worse. Memories are also what we use as interpersonal exchange, even barter, but that's another subject or another time.
There are so many memories worth preserving for a time when we won't be around any longer. Write them down. Write bio-vignettes. Get started writing memoir now.
Lynn Henriksen, The Story Woman, is an author, teacher, speaker, workshop leader, Story Salon entrepreneur, and blogger. She has published a "how-to" book, Give the Gift of Story: TellTale Souls' Essential Guide to Tap Memory & Write Memoir in Five Acts and the soon to be published collection of 50 bio-vignettes, TellTale Souls: Daughters Keeping Mothers' Spirits Alive in Short,

How to Improve Your Memory _ To Memory Training

Tips and Techniques for Memory Enhancement

If our brains were computers, we'd simply add a chip to upgrade our memory. However, the human brain is more complex than even the most advanced machine, so improving human memory requires slightly more effort.
Memory & Aging: Improving Your MemoryJust like muscular strength, your ability to remember increases when you exercise your memory and nurture it with a good diet and other healthy habits. There are a number of steps you can take to improve your memory and retrieval capacity. Physical exercise and engaging your brain with intellectually stimulating activities will not only improve your memory, it can also afford your brain greater protection against disease or injury as you age. First, however, it's helpful to understand how we remember.

What is memory?

Simply put, memory is the mental activity of recalling information that you have learned or experienced. That simple definition, though, covers a complex process that involves many different parts of the brain.
Memory can be short-term or long-term. In short-term memory, your mind stores information for a few seconds or a few minutes: the time it takes you to dial a phone number you just looked up or to compare the prices of several items in a store. Such memory is fragile, and it’s meant to be; your brain would soon read “disk full” if you retained every phone number you called, every dish you ordered in a restaurant, and the subject of every ad you watched on TV. Your brain is also meant to hold an average of seven items, which is why you can usually remember a new phone number for a few minutes but need your credit card in front of you when you’re buying something online.
Long-term memory involves the information you make an effort (conscious or unconscious) to retain, because it’s:
  • Personally meaningful to you (for example, information about family and friends).
  • You need it (such as job procedures or material you’re studying for a test).
  • Or it made an emotional impression on you (a movie that had you riveted, the first time you ever caught a fish, the day your uncle died).
Some information that you store in long-term memory requires a conscious effort to recall:
  • Episodic memories, which are personal memories about experiences you’ve had at specific times.
  • Semantic memories (factual data not bound to time or place), which can be everything from the names of the planets to the color of your child’s hair.
Another type of long-term memory is procedural memory, which involves skills and routines you perform so often that they don’t require conscious recall.

Areas of the brain important in the formation and retention of memory:

  • The hippocampus plays the single largest role in processing information as memory.
  • The amygdala helps imprint memories that involve emotion.
  • The cerebral cortex stores most long-term memory in different zones, depending on whether the information involves: language, sensory input, problem-solving, and so forth.
  • In addition, memory involves communication among the brain’s network of neurons, millions of cells activated by brain chemicals called neurotransmitters.

11 Simple Ways to Improve Your Memory -To Memory Update

Because the neurons in our brain responsible for memory lose elasticity over time, we tend to forget things much easier as we age.

Although this is an unfortunate reality we all face, there are a myriad of lifestyle activities you can engage to slow this degenerative process.

Here are 11 effective methods you can integrate into your life to maintain a great memory for as long as possible:

1. Sleep Well

Consistently sleeping 7-8 hours a night will drastically increase your memory.  During sleep, the brain appears to firm up memories of newly acquired information.  The most effective “sleepers” experience the full spectrum of nocturnal cycles, and relaxation techniques before bed time can help really help your cognitive (and memory) capacity.  During the day, a quick nap can be the impetus for a solution to a problem you have been working.

2. Cross-pollinate Your Interests

Having diverse interests, and constantly trying new things, is a fantastic way to keep the mind sharp and fertile.  Neurons that connect to existing neurons give you fresh perspective and ability to use knowledge in a variety of new ways.

3. Teach Others

Teaching implants knowledge in your brain in a different manner than regular learning, and is excellent practice for increasing memory (it also helps if you are genuinely motivated to share the knowledge)!

4. Use Acronyms and Other Mnemonic Devices

Mnemonics are essentially tricks for remembering information. Some tricks are so effective that proper application will let you recall loads of mundane information years later.  This one recommendation can vastly improve your memory and effectiveness!

5. Write About It

An effective way to increase memory capacity is to write about the things you want to remember.  This will create oxygenated blood flow to the areas of your brain that are responsible for your memories and literally exercises them!  Keep a journal, write detailed emails, or start a blog to improve your capacity to memorize. 

6. Take a Break

Changing physical or mental perspective is a wonderful way to lighten the invisible stress that occurs when you sit in one place too long. Taking a 5-15 minute break every hour during work sessions is more beneficial than non-stop study. It gives your mind time to relax and absorb information.

7. Listen to Music

Researchers have long shown that certain types of music are instrumental in recalling memories. Information learned while listening to a particular song or collection can often be recalled simply by “playing” the songs mentally.

8. Eat Brain “Superfoods”

Roughly 50-60% of the brain’s overall weight is pure fat, which is used as insulation for its billions of nerve cells.  The better insulated a cell, the faster it sends messages and the speedier your thinking.  Therefore eating foods with a healthy mix of fats is essential for long-term memory.  Fish (wild salmon, mackerel, anchovies especially) and dark leafy green vegetables are excellent choices.

9. Try Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba is a natural supplement that has been used in China and other countries for centuries and has been reputed to reverse memory loss. It’s also suggested by some health practitioners to be a highly effective mood enhancer and is worth trying if you experience memory problems.

10. Stretch

The brain accounts for only 2% of the body’s weight, but accounts for 15% of its blood flow, and regular stretching (and exercise) keeps the brain’s arteries open and unclogged.  Making a habit of stretching can also lead to increased energy, greater flexibility and a more relaxed attitude which all lead to better long-term memory!

11. Collaborate

Interaction with other humans fires a different set of neurons than working alone, and collaboration can vastly increase your memory.  Make a habit of joining forces at work and in your personal life to keep the brain fruitful!

We will all experience a degree of memory loss as we get older.  By implementing a few of the practices described in this article, you can inhibit a more rapid decline in memory.  Give them a try!

Improve Your Memory To Memory Training

Having a sharp memory is not required for a specific age group, profession or gender, but comes in handy for people all across the globe. It would be great to remember the minutest details about any specific event or person. Undoubtedly, people who are born with good memory are lucky; however the rest can take a few steps to improve their weak memories.

There are a number of factors that affect an individual's memory and learning processes. To be well aware about them and identify them with ease, you can simply keep in mind that anything that affects your overall well being and health will in turn influence your attention spans, learning and memory.

A lot of studies have been done in psychology regarding improving one's memory. To begin with, memory can be greatly improved with the aid of association. As the name suggests, by following this technique, one associates the thing which has to be memorized with something that he/she is already familiar with. For example, if you come across a person of another nationality than yours, whose name is hard for you to remember or pronounce, you can associate it with another word of your language that sounds alike or seems familiar.

Using mnemonics is another highly useful way of keeping things in mind. You can use anything that you think would work better for you, such as rhymes, music or model mnemonics which would be useful for you to remember things.

Remember how in school you were made to repeat things just so you could remember them easily? That's exactly how children easily learned alphabets and digits as they were made to repeat them a number of times, till they got them fixed in their memory. Thus, if there is something highly important that you just cannot afford to forget, keep repeating it yourself till you have memorized it completely.

It also becomes easy to remember things if one visualizes it in his/her mind. For example if someone asks you for the directions of the bakery near your house, you may find it easier to visualize the map in your mind, recalling all the places that you cross while going to the bakery.

Lastly, try to control the levels of stress in your life so that it does not start taking its toll on your health or mind. When a person is stressed out, it becomes difficult to concentrate on a single thing; if you haven't concentrated in the first place, there is no way you would be able to recall it later as you did not store it in your memory properly

Ways to Improve Brain Memory - To Memory Training

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Ways to Improve Brain Memory
By Paul Andrew Todd Platinum Quality Author
Paul Andrew Todd
Level: Platinum

The author Paul Andrew Todd was born in Cincinnati, Ohio and Since a very early age Paul has had a interest in metaphysics. He has ...

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The more you exercise the brain, the easier it will be to remember things and recall memories. Just by changing your daily habits you are creating new pathways and challenging your brain. This could include simple things like eating with your left hand or combing your hair with the other hand. This all comes down to doing things differently and also doing new things. This is a very effective way to keep your brain function at peek level.

There are also several ways to improve your memory. These are all fairly simple and should be practiced through out life.

Input information the way that works best for you - This means that if you learn best by seeing things, try to learn that way. Some people will learn best by hearing things. The most effective way is to have as many of your senses involved in the learning process as possible. This is why hands on training is so effective.

Show an interest in what you are learning - This means concentrate on the subject and pay attention. Try to involve yourself in the learning process and become an active participant. The brain can only focus on one thing at a time so when you are learning, put everything else aside.

If you can link or relate the new information to things you already know it will become much easier to retain and recall the information. It also helps if you can organize the information in a way that makes sense to you. You can organize in several different ways by using pictures, colors, sounds or words.

Break hard to learn material down into small portions. By doing this you are able to concentrate and master sections without having to be confused by an enormous problem. You can also paraphrase something to make it your own and easier to remember.

Repeat, repeat, repeat - At different times through out the day go over what you are learning. This is more effective then trying to cram all the information at once. The net result of this method is you will learn more with less studying.

Psych yourself up to learn what you need to learn, get excited about it and stay positive. Make suggestion to yourself prior to starting that you are looking forward to this and you will remember it easily.

Use mnemonic techniques to remember things. This is linking the information to something you already know. There are several different ways of doing this.

The first one involves using the first letter of each word to make a sentence. As an example "every good boy deserves favor" each letter represents the lines of the treble staff - E, G, B, D, F.

You can also link information to visual cues. As an example, if you want to remember peoples names at a party, the name Karen can become caring and picture her taking care of people. A simpler example could be someone named Rose, picture her as a big red rose because of her red hair.

You can also use acronyms. These are letters that when combined make a word. An example would be FAQ - frequently asked questions.

Another effective way to remember things is to put them in a rhyme, poem or song. When information is sung or goes together in a musical way we tend to remember it much better. Just think of all the songs you know the words to.

Putting large amounts of information into small groups is also very effective. Phone numbers work in this way. We arrange it into groups with first the area code, then three digit city region followed by the four digit number.

There are several things that can be done to improve your memory by improving your health. A diet that is high in fiber, fruits and vegetables, whole grains has been shown to help with memory recall and retention. There are specific vitamins that are associated more with the memory process then others. They are folic acid and the B, C and E vitamins and Omega-3.

Remember, have fun with these techniques and you will be amazed at how much they help.

The author Paul Andrew Todd was born in Cincinnati, Ohio and Since a very early age Paul has had a interest in metaphysics. He has read and studied extensively in the fields of spirituality, metaphysics, religion, mind control and other personal improvement areas. Paul has been a certified hypnotherapist for thirteen years. He graduated from the Cincinnati School of Hypnosis in 1996. Paul also has been practicing meditation daily since 1994. He is a trained yoga teacher and meditation instructor. Paul learned yoga at Rishikesh Yogpeeth in India. Since early 2009 Paul has been traveling the world and living on the road. His web site can be found at Brainwave Entrainment

Memory Training - Effective Tips To Improve Your Memory

As you grow older, one of the most common problems that you would come across is the difficulty to remember things. At times you will find yourself being absent-minded. You might have experienced certain experiences such as looking for a pen all over the room when the pen is still in your hand. Though these things are silly minor issues but if it takes place more frequently then you got to do something about it.

A good memory is a sign of vibrancy, youthfulness and intelligence. With a good memory, you can always succeed in life leaving far behind your competitors. Whether in school, job or your private life, it is always worth having a strong memory power. Even if you have a poor memory there are also a number of ways through which you can improve your memory power. Following are some of them:

1) Start playing memory games such as solving puzzles, brain twisters, etc. This will help in keeping your memory sharp and alert. Just as an iron gets rusted when not in use, similarly the brain also stops functioning properly if not used. So it would be helpful to feed the brain from time to time with brain games to sharpen it.

2) Watch what you eat. To a large diet also plays an important role in improving your memory power. Include fish oils and other brain foods in your diet. Omega 3 fatty acid is also found to be very good for the brain.

3) Stress also harms the proper functioning of the brain to a large extent having a strong impact on your memory. Adequate sleep and rest is important for the brain. Relax and follow a regular exercise schedule to improve your memory power.

How to Improve Your Short Term Memory and Escape From Short Term Memory Loss Problems

Did you forget that phone number, which was very important and you knew it minutes before? You might be troubled with short-term memory loss. But there is no need to press panic button as yet, because you can train your brain to fight the shot-term memory loss, effectively.

Brain train exercises are the most efficient way to deal with woes of short-term memory loss. Short-term memory loss is one of those signs of aging, so it is necessary to guard your brain from the any discrepancies in your memory. In fact, short-term memory loss can pose a serious trouble if you do not take action once you realize that you suffer from it. It may cause confusion and stress to yourself and also people around you. Exercises specially designed to regain short-term memory will surely help you to activate those areas of your brain that were hitherto not used.

To remember lots of information at any given time you can take the help of exercises for short-term memory, it will not cost you anything at all. They are simple yet successful means to get over the short-term memory loss. Connecting things you want to remember with images makes it all easier to recall better. If you read an article or a write up try to remember the details, and write whatever you recall from what you read, it is like a revision. This practice will eventually help you in fighting short-term memory loss. The other simple way to recall is to get accustomed to the environment, observe the surroundings and after a while close your eyes and try to remember what you saw sometime back. This indeed is really fun and an interesting practice too. Additionally, you can make a lot of difference to your short-term memory that can be an effective exercise for you to add in your things-to-do list!

The other exercise for short-term memory is the peg system. Here in which you try and associate a numeral with an image in order and later use the link or the connecting method to memorize and recall in the same order. This makes it easier to remember. Or you can practice games that are available online, which will serve as exercises to improve your short-term memory. Games such as identifying faces with names when flashed randomly will stabilize your ability to remember better.

Mind mapping is another exercise to improve your short-term memory. This is a rather old method wherein you collect loads of information and write it on a paper. This method helps in acquiring and recollecting large amount of information at one go. The aforementioned exercises will successfully help in dealing with short-term memory loss. So what for you are waiting? Go ahead and practice them now.

Who else wants to double their short-term memory in a matter of a few weeks? Thousands of people have already taken advantage of the free brain games which are scientifically designed to improve memory power, cognitive skills and concentration.

Memory Exercises For Everyday -To Memory Training

You can also play with a half deck of cards by removing two suits first and then use the 24 cards left. Once they are face down, move the cards around on the table so nobody really knows what is lying where anymore.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Memory And Concentration - Improve Them Now by Memory Training

Memory and concentration work together but one does not lead to the other. Memory is the ability to remember information, experiences and people. To concentrate is to direct your mental powers or your efforts towards a particular activity, subject or problem. Once something is stored in our brain, it is not forgotten. There may be difficulty in recalling the vital information. The information might however not have been stored. Just because you cannot remember something does not mean that you have forgotten it. What you have is a temporary failure to remember. But if you think of the millions of things each day that you do remember, you will realize that your memory is really quite astounding.
Why do you forget things? Most often, the frustrating problem of absentmindedness or lack or loss of concentration is to blame; and to solve it, you simply need to clean out the clutter in your life that is causing lapses in memory and train your brain to remember the things you so often forget. The capacity to store, recall and analyze any matter is a mere fraction of what is stored in your small brain. Each time the memory is stored, it becomes stronger and more indelible. Some memories you recall often become most ingrained. To make something easier to recall, you can practice remembering it often (a study technique used by many students). Factors that can impact concentration include the study environment and the structure you have for your study time. Other factors that can impact memory include the way you organize the information, how you use your body in the study process, how you use your brain in the study process and whether you include time for recall.
Depression is a leading cause of memory loss. Depressed people have low brain levels of serotonin and norepinephrine. These are chemicals that normally activate the hippocampus - the memory part of the brain where information is stored and retrieved. Antidepressants relieve depression in the majority of patients: memory, concentration and other cognitive functions usually start to improve quickly.
Some ways to tackle loss of memory are as follows:
- Get plenty of exercise, both physical and mental. Challenge the brain in new and creative ways throughout life. Join a book club, learn to play chess, sudoku etc. or use your right hand instead of your left if you are left-handed.
- Try to stay calm: Worry temporarily impairs your memory. Memories usually "freeze up" under stressful conditions. The harder you try to remember, the worse your memory is. The trick is to relax and refocus your mind - the memory usually returns.
- Stress - People who experience chronic stress due to job issues, family or money worries, etc. often experience memory problems. Stress raises levels of cortisol, but cortisol damages the hippocampus when brain levels remain high due to continuous stress. Stress should be taken seriously or memory problems will continue to worsen. Regular exercise, practicing relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing and yoga and spending more time doing pleasurable activities are ideal for reducing stress.
- Lack of sleep (insomnia) increases stress and anxiety, which raise cortisol levels. Depression can cause insomnia, as can stress. Once the underlying condition is relieved, sleep usually improves and memory problems are alleviated.
- Vitamin B12 deficiency accounts for a significant percentage of memory loss cases. The body uses vitamin B12 to produce myelin the sheathing on nerve cells. Low levels of myelin slow the transmission of nerve signals; this impairs memory and other cognitive functions. You need supplementation if levels are low. Since oral vitamin B12 is not effective if the body does not produce enough intrinsic factor, many patients require monthly injections of vitamin B12.
- Diet: Eat nutritive foods; avoid sugar. Nutrients are the fuels that run your memory. Vitamins and minerals are essential for maintaining and improving your memory. You need Vitamin C and Vitamin E as well as omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin B12, Thiamin, Iron, and Vitamin B6.
- Make effective use of cues and reminders like sticky notes or a calendar. Most absentminded errors and memory loss can be overcome by having access to reminders.
- The Switch-word "Reach" - Another way to remember a thing is to use the "Perfect Living" switch-word "Reach". If you are desperately looking for a lost or misplaced item or trying to remember a vital information, just stay relaxed and then say aloud to yourself repeatedly - "Reach" and "Together" Do not think of the meaning of the words as your take your mind off the matter. In a short time, your subconscious mind will lead you to the solution to your problem.

Memory Enhancement Techniques - Memory Selft

Memory enhancement requires keeping the mind active in order to improve memory. You will need to provide the brain and body with exercises and supports that is required for optimal functioning. To begin any mind activity that promotes healthy aging you will need to be adequately motivated to be able to begin and sustain the changes you are making. Conscious goal requires continuous reinforcement.
Memory enhancement techniques
The key to retaining a good and healthy memory is to lead a peaceful and calm lifestyle. If you remain calm and composed there is a tendency to forget fewer things. The more untidy the surrounding is, the more stressed they get. Stress causes a person to forget things. The following tips can serve as an effective memory enhancement method:
Get sufficient sleep: Getting sufficient sleep is important to enhance memory. Inadequate amounts of sleep make the brain inactive and can lead to forgetfulness. It is important to get at least 8 hours of sleep a day. Naps during the day also help in this regard.
Eat a proper diet: Eating a healthy and balanced diet has a lot of benefits in improving memory. Foods that contain vitamin B12 are considered to be the best memory enhancers, and hence you must make it a major part in your diet. Apart from that omega-3 fatty acids and foods with high antioxidants are also good for a healthy brain.
Indulge in memory games and puzzles: For a healthy mind you must keep it active using memory games and puzzles. There are many memory games and mind puzzles available that helps in improving a person's memory and retention capabilities. These games also helps keep the mind fresh.
Visualizing things: For some people making a visual picture of an incident or important details about people or places or situations, helps in memorizing and remembering it. Visualization things are beneficial in terms of increasing memory capacity and also recalling things easily in the future.
Repetition: Constant repetition works as a great way to enhance memory. Forgetting names and other things can be avoided if repetition is applied. Repetition re-establishes the piece of information in the brain and thus, makes it easier to recall that information in the future. Writing things down is also effective in remembering facts.

Increase Your Memory By Simpler Methods - By Momory Training

The nature is the best teacher. There are people who are born intelligent while there are people who struggle to get the best memory. All of us do not have the same memory. In fact, the memory of a child is better than that of an older person. Well, this is all a miracle. There are people who learn all the tricky formulas of mathematics in a short duration.
Well on the contrary there are people who struggle throughout their life to mug up all those tricky formulas. It is not that impossible to increase memory with the help of a simple course.
Well I came to a conclusion that there are lots of factors that decide the memory of an individual. I must tell you that diet plays an important role in this. In addition to diet a healthy as well as good lifestyle is also important so that you will have the perfect memory. As aforementioned in this article it is not a miracle to have a photographic memory. One can really try and implement all that is necessary to have a photographic memory. All of us are gifted with the Intuition Zone on the central nervous system.
There are various types of medications available in the market that makes you trust that they can actually help to develop a good memory. Well there is a pitfall to all of them. There are certain medications available that do help to increase memory. The fact is that these medications also come with several side effects.
The best way to have a good memory is have a good mental training. There are many people who claim that they can train the mind in such a way that it becomes very easy to lean all and to remember everything. All of them are not true. It is a good idea to trust such a mental training program that is natural and at the same time has no side effect on the human body or the brain.
There are many programs who claim that they can really increase the mental capacity without having an actual work out schedule. This is the thing which one should look for when you do not have much time to spend and know that it is also really important that you should increase your intelligence.
Such program focus on the intuition zone and also helps to gets rid in your body of the extra build up in your memory system. This actually makes you feel lighter. When your mind is lighter it increases your memory and boosts your mental power. Frankly speaking it requires a high level of skills and technique that improvise your health and your brain.
The best way to sort out memory issues is to research a lot and this research can be easily done if you use the internet as a tool for your research purposes. There are several training programs available to train your brain and increases the memory. Make sure that you are choosing the best one and this is also easy on your pocket.

We Are All Going to Need Memory Training Now

Not long ago, I was talking to an individual who did programs to help people with their memory. They taught various seminars, and they had written a few books. I was intrigued, because I like to think I have an excellent memory, and judging by the other people I meet, I noted my memory is quite a bit better actually, still as most I'd like it to be even better.
We got to talking about how his business was doing, and he told me he was doing excellent, and I had to ask why. He told me that he thinks it's because of the Internet, and people don't have to remember things anymore, so they don't. After all, you don't have to remember the names and dates of anyone important in history, because you can look it up anytime you want on Wikipedia or Google.
Likewise he said you don't have to memorize phone numbers anymore, because they are all pretty programmed into your cell phone.
In an article titled "The Shadows" by futurist Patrick Tucker published in the July-August Futurist Magazine it discusses the challenges with reliance on the Internet and human ability to think, reason, and memorize important facts. He makes some good points about how we use search engines, and how heavy online use destroys (albeit slowly) our abilities to take the information and relate it to problem solving, or entice us to remember key data points.
Why? Because it's always there, no need to memorize it. And that gets me to my next point; in that your brain is a device which works best when it is used, and if you don't use it. Well you are going to eventually lose it, it operates in that respect just like a muscle in your body, say neuroscientists.
Therefore, I have concluded that we are all going to need memory training now, specifically for the reason my acquaintance had mentioned - all the personal tech devices we have today. I hope you'll please consider this.

Memory Training - Are Your Personal Tech Toys Working Against Your Memory Training Program?

Let me ask you a question, can you give me your five closest friends phone numbers off the top your head? If I give you an ISBN of a book, can you recite and give me that number back tomorrow if you don't write it down? Can you tell me the exact recipe of your five favorite dishes without looking? The answer is probably no, but that seems rather ridiculous, because the human brain is very good at memorizing stuff.
In fact, most of the kids previously learned everything by rote memorization. Today it seems rather hostile to make kids memorize things, because there's really no need to; they can always look it up online, the information is always there.
Now then, the reason I bring up this subject is recently our online think tank was talking about the fact that if you don't use your brain you will lose its ability. Whereas, if you don't use your brain for memorization, perhaps, you will use it for other things such as multitasking - nevertheless, your brain could do both very well, you don't have to choose.
Still, if you never use your ability to memorize things, pretty soon you won't be able to memorize anything. Sometimes it's important to memorize things, like grocery store lists, and things like that. So here's the question if you consider signing up for memory training, because you can't remember things like you used to, it's probably not because you have onset Alzheimer's, but rather because of your personal tech toys. They're working against your memory training programs.
So, you can read all the books, listen to all the tapes, and go to all the seminars you want on how to memorize things better, but if you don't practice it, and you don't force yourself to memorize stuff, then eventually you won't be able to remember much of anything, even the important things. Please consider all this.

Improving Memory While Speed Reading - To Memory Training

Do you remember your first kiss? Do you remember graduation day? Do you remember a day you were really scared? What do all of these memories have in common? All of these memories are linked to strong emotions. Improving memory while speed reading can be accomplished by linking emotion to the information you need to remember. First, let's see what role emotion plays in memory.
Strong emotions impact your midbrain. In your midbrain is a structure called the hippocampus. This tiny structure registers the emotional impact of an experience. Experiences that have strong emotions linked to them are permanently etched into your memory. Even experiences that occur only a single time can be easily recalled if the emotions linked to that experience are powerful.
Strong emotions are usually associated with experiences that impact your life in a very significant manner. Your brain is designed to help you survive. Remembering events that produce power emotions is one of the best ways that it learns. Now you are ready to put this mechanism to work while speed reading.
When most people read they simply hear words being pronounced at the back of their brain. You need to experience what you read as if it were actually happening. Feel the experience, live the experience, take in all the emotion of the experience. Your intense emotional experiences will stimulate your hippocampus locking the information into your permanent memory. Let me give you a good example of how to accomplish this.
Suppose you are reading a book about malaria. You might memorize three symptoms as high fever, nausea, and delirium. How long do you think you would remember these symptoms if you were also learning hundreds of other diseases and their symptoms? Instead of remembering these three words you are going to experience the symptoms. Imagine lying in a bed drenched in sweat from your high fever. You are covered in vomit, and can barely focus. Now if someone asked you to remember the symptoms of malaria you would have these experience to recall instead of trying to remember three words. You would be putting the power of emotion to work to lock facts into your memory. Try it. You are really going to love it.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Improving Your Memory and Building Self Esteem - And Memory Training

Happiness might sound very difficult to find but if you are focused and decided what exactly you want and sure that what makes you happy then is not that difficult to find happiness. The following are tips on your way to happiness.
You should remember that only you are in charge of your own happiness and getting rid of the bad thoughts to your happiness will render you the good will of what you want. Just get the motto of "be happy!"
If you can make someone smile then definitely you will be in better place in that you will feel that you have contributed to someone else's happiness. Smile reduces stress, boost immune system and make people feel younger.
Take a walk. Walking burns calories and increase your blood circulation. It also increase your brain function and help in sugar regulations not to forget the relieving of PMS symptoms.
Try eating natural foods and those which are from plants. These kinds of foods let you feel good and leave you with less fat and psyching your morale.
Work on your reading interest. It is known that reading increase your ability focus, expand your knowledge, improving your memory and building self esteem.
Communicate with your friends. Friend are support and make sure that things are going well and are always there when others are not. They help building morale back. Talking releases some of the heavy burden.
Also spend some times with a parson who is over 70 years of age or a child who is less than 6 years of age. The wisdom you will find in the old person will cheer you up and appreciate life. The honest and simplicity of a child will bring a basket full of joy.
Play more games which offer different values including skill building, developing vocabularies and analytically thinking.
Also get to know life and enjoy its ride because you have only one life and make sure you live each day to its fullest. Do not live with regrets.